IT Recruitment Copenhagen
IT Recruitment Copenhagen – if you are looking for highly qualified international IT staff for your company, you are now one step closer to finding it.
We are part of an international recruitment network, which enables us to recruit talents from all over the world to our Danish and International partner companies.
Every year, many well-educated foreign IT talents choose Denmark as their place of living and working. They are very often attracted by the ability to have an interesting, challenging and awarding career while still having family-friendly working hours and comfortable living conditions. Denmark as a country is very much aware of its future need for well-qualified IT labor, and the country consequently has high ambitions for attracting skilled talents from abroad. This is especially seen by the many efforts Danish companies make to recruit highly skilled foreign employees and to make sure they are comfortable and happy with their new living and job situation in Denmark.
We can expand your international staff
Bloom is part of the international recruitment network Talentor, and we are here to help you recruit international and highly skilled employees. We have a number of very experienced recruitment consultants to help you through the process, and they are happy to tailor the process to your company’s specific needs. All of our consultants are specifically trained to match the right candidates with the right companies, and they have a very down-to-earth approach to recruitment. At Bloom, we put an effort into creating a profound relationship with our clients, and to get to know their area of business, work culture and DNA well enough to be able to represent them in the recruitment process.
Why choose an agency for international recruitment?
To start in general, choosing a recruitment agency when recruiting international employees can be beneficial in terms of saving both time and money. Taking on a recruitment partner to assist you in the recruitment process, enables you to continue doing what you do best. You can use your valued time on the tasks you do really good, and not spend time on searching candidates, looking through applications etc. Another factor worth mentioning is the risk of recruiting an unqualified candidate. Evaluating a candidate properly takes practice and experience, without mentioning the right interpretation of personality- and logical tests. Recruiting the wrong employee can in the end be very expensive. Furthermore, the cultural dimension is particularly important to mention in the context of international recruitment. Recruiting cross-cultural adds another layer to the process, as culture has a big influence on the way we behave, interpret and interact with each other. Culture therefore naturally poses an obstacle in the process of becoming sure that a candidate is the right match.
Why choose Bloom as your international recruitment partner?
Our large network is present in more than 30 countries, and we are therefore able to reach candidates very broadly. A large pool of IT talents means a greater chance of finding the types of candidates you are looking for. Our collaboration with local recruitment agencies in the partner countries also creates much less difficulties in communicating with and evaluating possible candidates. Overall, it is our experience that by having a local partner, we can create a much easier process for possible candidates, as well as for our clients.
Keen on knowing more about us?
At Bloom, we are always happy to meet new clients, both virtually and in person. Please reach out, if you have any questions about our international recruitment processes, or if you want to know more about, how we can assist your company in recruiting international talents. We are always happy to help.